Rabu, 29 September 2010

It's amazing how tolerant to learn to admire the perfumes and the masterpieces of world perfumery. Every day is an opportunity to identify the odors that are timeless and without barriers, causing me to move to other regions of the world and learn to develop a new mindset that values aromatic different cultures involved. In the case of oriental fragrance, which includes the fragrance from the Middle East, East and Southeast Asia, and especially eastern borders exist only on the earthly plane. The smells from these regions amounts to a spiritual plane as if a part of me to leave the physical body and travel to these countries, contemplating the beauty of the nuances of its scent fragrance oils. It is a trip for citizens of the world of smells, for those without nationality 'perfume', for those who just do not see the perfume itself, highlighting only what pleases them, but look beyond the smells, see the perfume as part of a culture and, like any culture worthy of being respected and accepted. This time my trip to Singapore was olfactory in Malaysia, a country located in Southeast Asia. The passport was aromatic Oud Singapore, also known as Singaporian oudh, a fragrant oil in the classic oriental fragrance. A pungent odor and surprisingly able to start any trip with a sweet aroma and enigmatic and awaken multiple sensations during the evolution of perfume. The first picture of parfum oil is its viscosity, very high compared to other oils. The famous thicky oil, as they say in English: texture dense, heavy and sticky, yet like all of exceptional quality oil absorption of the same is done quickly. This feature is related to viscous output Oud Singapore, sweet, agarwoodiana with honey undertones like a woody, unprecedented in my nose. This style gives honey to be a sensuality to the fragrance, something more sultry and exotic.

After this first phase, the development requires tolerance initially said. The smell goes back to one of the economic facets of Singapore, its rubber. Singapore Oud burn the skin with a note resinous gum as plastic. Right now, my trip was one of extreme satisfaction to one end of an apparent bid acceptance, the acceptance of visiting a different place in Singapore, such as agricultural fields in Singaporian Rubber instead of a more sophisticated and urban landscape. As the world takes many turns, I was struck by the impasse of seeing myself seduced by a note that I rechazo in Tubereuse Criminelle Serge Lutens, a note that reminds rubber, tires, gasoline. It is still a beautiful memory is related to a picture of a Jeep near a rubber plantation in full Malaysian landscape.

Oud Singapore surprises from beginning to end and for my own happiness, the base of the fragrance has the beauty of a bond by agarwood memory of a sweet smell that, paradoxically, is and is not at the base, slightly resinous. This beauty is priceless and worth every drop of oil, even with the passage of aromatic rubber, so foreign to my sense of smell. So again: "It's amazing how tolerant to learn to admire the perfumes and the masterpieces of perfumery."
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